Welcome to Avis Dalrymple Ministries in association with Prayer Power Radio
Recently, Pastor Avis presented 5 session of teaching on prayer in Birmingham - you can watch the recordings here!
Deep Waters Bible Institute (DWBI) has recently launched an On-line Bespoke Prayer Academy. This is a Spiritual Training School of transformational Prayer Principles, Practices and Power Strategies for individuals who are:
- Seeking a deeper Relationship with God through prayer
- An increased anointing in their life and ministry
- A higher level of Spiritual Education and understanding
- Deliverance from stubborn issues, cyclical patterns in their lives
Jesus Christ (Rev. 9:13) is the foundation and central focus of this prayer study. Through Christ individuals are able to experience redemption, justification, sanctification, and transformation.
Prayer Academy is an On-Line Training School designed as a personal tool for anyone, any situation and any household (John 14:2). The course consists of 3 distinct Spiritual Schools, prayer levels, dimensions of knowledge, learning and development. These Schools of Learning are accessed through a spiritual upgrade of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and the power of prayer.
Before commencement of the Prayer Academy Course it is highly recommend that all participants read and study the book Prayer Power by Pastor Avis available from Amazon (Kindle) or cut and paste the link below into your Browser to access. This book is the foundational premise on which Prayer Academy is based.
Level 1 - Principles of Prayer - Duration 8 weeks
Level 2 - Practice of Prayer - Duration 9 weeks
Level 3 - Power of Prayer – Duration 12 weeks - Includes 3x Virtual Group Teaching Sessions with Pastor Avis
Advanced Level
These are bespoke courses - prices are determined by content and group size.
Register your interest in the form below:
The Master's Touch Link to Pastor Avis' Prayer Blog
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Teaching on The Tabernacle …follow this link
Every time a rainbow appears in the sky the above passage of scripture Reminds us God has completely enmeshed Himself and bound Himself to His Word and Covenant with us.
So day and night, no matter what “business” comes before God’s throne, He is thinking about us and the mercy that He has promised to show toward us regardless of how intense, immediate or horrible our adverse circumstances are.
If we fast forward - God signed this covenant in the blood of His own Son to show the depths of His intention to keep His side of the contract even to the death!
The rainbow tells the same story. God intends to show us HIS people, mercy, so He has surrounded Himself and us in a bow to have a constant reminder of His covenant so that He and we cannot forget!
Even now when Jesus looks at the Father, He sees the bow. When the Father looks at the Son, He sees the bow. And not only does God keep us ever present in HIS mind this way, when we look to the sky and see the bow, we see, if we have the eyes to do so “I am THE LORD I change not” (Mal 3:6) and I am still in charge!
The rainbow in the sky helps us remember GOD’S COVENANT, His PROMISE to show us His MERCY and PEACE!
The rainbow is the symbol of the mercy and peace God has placed and programmed in our sky where His throne is and it surrounds His head so that none of us will forget that we are joined together in an unforgettable COVENANT OF LOVE!
THE RAINBOW IS A SIGN to the whole world at this very hour even in its present upside-down state of persistent pandemic plagues. These plagues also manifest themselves through propaganda across areas of
pharmacology, poor policing policies and practices and the rottenness that has become endemic in all political systems.
“Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Despite all of this The Rainbow even if it is turned upside down it reverts into a smile. This smile is painted in ALL COLOURS and represents ALL human life! God and His universe is smiling on you no matter what colour, culture or classification you identify with.
The world and maybe even The Church may not fully have any understanding of The Rainbow but we can all feast our eyes on its splendour nevertheless!
I pray that God will help us all to understand the “times and the seasons” (Ecc 3:1) we find ourselves in and teach us how to speak to the opposing natural and supernatural arbiters, “concisions“ (Phil 3:2), spiritual forces,“ realms and elements “ around us though prayer and prophetic proclamations ....”Peace be still”!
Listen to Pastor Avis sharing on the freedom and joy found when you ‘enter in’